HAPPY HALLOWEEN to all of our SnakeBuddies, followers and friends. We have had a blast, sharing our Halloween Herp of the Day images over the last couple of weeks on our FaceBook page www.facebook.com/SnakeBuddies.net, but now that the big day has finally arrived, we wanted to go big.
Although the image above, is one that we created in PhotoShop, who wouldn’t love a Candy Corn Ball Python morph? However, we are here to show you that Mother Nature is the true artist, and hope that you will appreciate the REAL Halloween-colored critters we have added below. You may not find them to be all that spooky, but we think you will agree that they are amazing!
This is one of our favorite holidays, and we hope you’ll enjoy this post, as much as we enjoyed creating it. We’ll keep the text short, and the images big, as we know you all have busy evenings ahead of you.
Have a very SAFE and Happy Halloween, and don’t forget to…
Educate. Inspire. Conserve.
Bismarck Ringed Python by Piotr Naskrecki
Corn Snake by Mike D. Martin
Gila Monster by Cameron Rognan
Coral Pipe Snake by Andrew Snyder
Southern Hognose by Jake M. Scott
Kenyan Sand Boa by Christine A “Shouganai”
Ashy Gecko by Mike D. Martin
Carolina Pygmy Rattlesnake by Mike D. Martin
Cape Coral Snake by Reptiles4all.com
Slender-legged Tree Frog by Renato Gaiga
Western Ribbon Coral by Cowyeow
Dendropsophus marmoratus by Renato Gaiga
Panther Chameleon by Paul Bratescu “AnimalExplorer”
Bamboo Rat Snake by Neptuno Photography
Variable Ground Snake by Eric Gofreed
Bubblebee Poison Dart Frog by Daniel Pomfret
Emperor Newt by Josh More “guppiecat”
Red Mountain Racer by Andrea & Antonella Ferrari
Fire-bellied Newt by Todd Pierson
Timber Rattlesnake by Matthew J. Sullivan
Collett’s Snake by Gary Stephenson
Adelphobates quinquevittatus by Renato Gaiga
Western Mudsnake by Kory Roberts “kaptainkory”
Aquatic Coral Snake by Renato Gaiga
Halloween Snake by Alex Figueroa “FunkyHumanBeing”
Eastern Mud Snake by Pierson Hill
Checkerbelly (Siphlophis cervinus) by Renato Gaiga
Wood Turtle by Jonathan Mays
Mexican Long-nosed Snake by Cowyeow
Pueblan Milk Snake by Bill Bouton
by vbsuresh
Thai Bamboo Rat Snake by “MonkeyDudeSF”
Gray Banded Kingsnake by John “Snakecollector”
Poison Dart Frog by “m.marinha.m”
Rondo Coral Snake by Renato Gaiga
Pacific Ringneck Snake by J. Maughn